Athletics & Little Athletics Centre
Winter Cross Country 2024

This year’s winter season runs from April – September.
To get involved with this, LAQ members need to also become QA members (base $12). For those that are keen to get involved and are not already part of a senior athletics club, we would like to offer a special deal to LAQ members to join Toowong Harriers (cost with discount $22.50).
Dates for the diary are as follows:
Postponed - Brisbane XC Series Race #1 - 6th April - Minnippi Parklands (hosted by Thompson Estate)
Brisbane XC Series Race #2 - 27th April - Biami Yumba Park (hosted by Toowong Athletics Club)
Brisbane XC Series Race #3 - 4th May - Teralba Park
All Schools & Short Course Championships - 11th May - Toogoolawah Golf Course
Brisbane XC Series Race #4 - 18th May - Anzac Park (hosted by ...)
Brisbane XC Series Race #5 - 25th May - Limestone Park
Brisbane XC Series Race #6 - 1st June - Honeyeater Street Park
Brisbane XC Series Race #7 - 8th June - Toowoomba Showgrounds
Qld XC Relay Championships - 15th June - Nudgee College (Nudgee)
Brisbane XC Series Race #8 - 24th June - Capalaba State College (hosted by Redlands Athletics Club)
Qld XC Champs - 27th July - Victoria Park
A couple of notes around this year’s XC24 Brisbane Series;
Point Score Competition details (only club members are eligible)
Entry is $12 per person; $36 for a family of 3 or more - if you have a family of more than 3 wishing to enter this event please DO NOT REGISTER HERE - send the names of the (registered) family members you wish to enter into this event to dave.brown@qldathletics.org.au BEFORE the close of registration (payment for discounted entry will be received separately).
There is no check in, just ensure you arrive with sufficient time to walk the course (before competition begins), collect your bib (look for the yellow "Info" flag) and be at the start area 10 minutes before your race start time.
Photos will be taken across the series. If you do not wish to be included then at the start line form a X with your arms so the photographer (who will be wearing a hi-vis vest) can note this.
Age/Distance classification male & female as follows;
1km - Under 8 (2016/17 born)/Under 10 (2014/15 born)
2km - Under 12/Under 12 Mulit-Class (2012/13 born)
3km - Under 14 (2010/11 born)/13+ Multi-Class
4km - Under 16 (2008/09 born)/Open Short Course
6km - U18 (2006/07 born)/Masters (30+, 50+)/Open Medium Course
8km - U20/Open Long Course
Competitors can run outside of their age classification but shall only earn 2 points.
If you are a current QA member but unaffiliated with Toowong Harriers, we can transfer your existing QA club affiliation across to Toowong Harriers. This must be down prior to registering for events. Please email our president president@toowongharriers.org.au with your QA/National Athletic ID# and a transfer will be arranged.
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact our president at president@toowongharriers.org.au